Senin, 07 Februari 2011

The mechanisms for people with diabetes, a substantial research effort in recent years. primary mechanisms of the past focused on the sensitivity to insulin and glucose in the cell membrane and the health of beta cells in the pancreas. A recent study revealed a new complexity. Originally leptin are obese are now probably involved in the regulation of the hypothalamic-energy, stimulate glucose transport and inhibition of insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. Two recently discovered another hormone adiponectin and resistin. Resistin is with glucose tolerance and insulin resistance. Adiponectin is associated with control of blood sugar and fat metabolism. Produced in fat cells, which seems both resistin and adiponectin also mediate PPAR-gamma: Resistin and downgrades of insulin resistance by modulating PPAR adiponectin. Enzymes are probably an important part of the mechanism. An enzyme apparently instrumental in the regulation of PPAR-gamma suppression of SIRT1 is leptin. Sirtuins are the mechanism for diabetics, because the power of gene expression in degenerative glucose and insulin metabolism are involved.

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